While I wait for the much desired information I am seeking about Carl, I will tell you what I thought about him. Carl Spencer Albert was the Frontman, for the band Vicious Rumors, until his tragic death in May of 1995. I always thought of Carl's voice as the perfect blend of emotion and raw power. My good friend, Dave Starr (former bassist of "The REAL Vicious Rumors") has told me many great things about Carl as a person, saying that he was quite a character and a very funny guy as well as an unbelievable vocalist. Dave also told me that Carl also had acting experience, actually appearing on a Brady Bunch episode, among other things. He was such an inspiration for myself, since the day I first heard the song "Ship Of Fools" on the radio. I could not beleive there was such a voice out there !! It was a voice that was easy to fall in love with, so since that day, I have been a huge Carl fan. I don't think a day goes by that I don't listen to him on my stereo. The most incredible thing about Carl was, he proved what MANY singers don't and that was- he was amazing on the records and even better live. From what Dave says on his website, Carl's voice was perfect even during the long, worldwide, night after night performances. Take a listen to Carl on the MP3 page for samples of his work. All pictures of Carl on this site are courtesy of Dave Starr and can be seen at his Amazing Tribute page dedicated to Carl on Dave's site.
Carl Albert And Dave Starr Carl Doing What He Did Best
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