Welcome To My Site. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jeff
and I like to consider myself the biggest "Child Of the 80's." I have been
a huge fan of Heavy Metal music since I was 5 years old. My love for Heavy Metal
was completely due to the amazing people who really have the hardest jobs in the bands-
Now, anyone that knows me, thinks that I am the biggest "critic" when I hear different
singers and why I like or dislike them. This all has to due with the fact that I am a Singer
myself. I put up this page to show my love for the voices that are listed on it. There is not
a person on the face of the planet that will disagree with the men that I consider the best
Voices to ever bless our ears !! With THAT in mind, let's get to these Metal Monsters...
Remember - These Are MY opinions. If anyone has any information or pictures of
the singers listed here please  send it to me.  This site is still in it's beginning stages, so
please be patient. Thank You

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